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November 28, 2023
Gene Custer is a lifelong Wabash County resident and farmer and a generous supporter of charitable causes. Gene estab…
November 21, 2022
The Wabash Baking Powder Company Scholarship was established to preserve the company legacy as a flourishing enterpri…
December 8, 2021
This scholarship memorializes the life of Mallori Kastner, a 2010 graduate of Wabash High School, a talented athlete,…
October 22, 2021
For over 25 years, Al Bailey was a beloved shop teacher and coach at Manchester Junior Senior High School and had won…
The Vice and Wakefield families established the Scott Wakefield Scholarship in memory of their beloved son and grands…
Bill Hensley was a CPA, a businessman and an entrepreneur. He worked in banking after college, and when he came to Wa…
To create college opportunities for students in the county, members of the Wabash High School Class of 1951 created a…
This scholarship encourages education beyond high school for students who are members of the Wabash High School Tenni…
Though the organization no longer exists, the Wabash County Society for Crippled Children and Adults lives on in this…
In a county rich in natural resources, the Solid Waste Management District uses this scholarship to encourage full-ti…
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