Establish A Fund


Choose what you want to support. 

Do you want to support your church or your favorite youth serving organization? Maybe you are interested in providing assistance to organizations that address food insecurity and hunger or to organizations that work to provide adult education? Perhaps you’d like to support all needs in the community. Our staff at the Community Foundation can work with you to create a fund that best meets your charitable goals. 

Decide when to give. 

Do you want to establish a fund now so you can see the impact today, or would you prefer to establish a fund after your death through a bequest in your will. Our staff and/or your professional advisor can work with you to help you determine how to best meet your charitable and financial goals.  

Choose a fund type. 

There are a variety of ways to serve the community; therefore, there are a variety of funds with different degrees of flexibility and donor participation. Some funds are created to provide support to named organizations or programs in perpetuity or for a short time, while other funds provide the Community Foundation the discretion and flexibility in addressing the ever-changing needs of the community. 

Some funds are created in honor or in memory of a loved one, and others are established by families who wish to be advisors and involve younger generations to teach them the importance of giving back to the community. We will work with you to determine which fund is the best fit for your charitable goals. To learn more about our fund types, see the Types of Community Foundation Funds in the resources below. 

Determine what to give 

Cash, stocks, bequests, and real estate are some of the assets you can use to fund your gift. We recommend you consult your financial advisor to determine what is right for you. 

Leave a Legacy 

Congratulations! You have established a fund and have made a positive difference in our community.