2022 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Recipient
The Talent Pipeline
The Community Foundation is committed to using its
unrestricted charitable resources to break the cycle of poverty in the county and build prosperity for everyone, children and adults. To undo generations of poverty, we give impact grants for
a variety of education initiatives, believing brain development, social/emotional health, executive function, problem-solving, college and career training will lift individuals from
dependence on social services and low wage jobs to independence, stability, strong families, and engagement as citizens of our community.
This work begins with infants.We support high quality early childhood education programs that are affordable for all families so all
children in the county benefit from brain-stimulating childcare environments that prepare them to be ready to learn in kindergarten. When children reach grade 4 in
school, CFWC challenges young
thinkers through the Early Award Scholarship Programto build the skills of learning that will ultimately prepare them over their primary and secondary school years for college and career
training. Wabash County high school graduates then have an opportunity to apply for $350,000 in 60 college and career scholarships to alleviate the rising cost of high education.
For adults already in the workforce, CFWC makes grants available to skill up in industry certifications, diplomas, and degrees that will qualify workers for
well-paying, middle skills jobs that require training after high school. We are supporting learners all along the education pipeline to finally disrupt generational poverty and reach
prosperity and independence.
To read more about our current work in education,
choose one of the boxes below.