Spring 2023 Good Deeds Grants Awarded
The Community Foundation of Wabash County distributed $35,340 in its 2023 Spring Good Deeds grant cycle to support eleven nonprofits working to meet urgent needs of Wabash County citizens and create quality of place programs and projects. Grants were awarded to the following nonprofit organizations:
Blessings in a Backpack will benefit from a Good Deeds grant to address food insecurity by providing weekend meals to children ranging from preschool through sixth grade.
Education for Conflict Resolution was awarded a grant to fund the recruitment and training of volunteers for their SAM’s (School Attendance Mediation) project. The project concentrates its efforts on students with a pattern of absenteeism to get them back to school and focus on their education.
Furry Fix will use a grant to address the overpopulation of homeless, feral, and barn cats in Wabash County. The grant will assist the community with the cost of and access to spay/neuter surgeries.
Honeywell Foundation will partner with the Wabash First United Methodist Church to connect and build relationships through ministry and music. Free live musical entertainment will be offered at each Hot Dog Ministry event. Together, the Hot Dog Ministry is fulfilling its mission to connect and build relationships within the community, and Honeywell is fulfilling its mission to provide arts, education, and entertainment for all.
Kate's Kart will use this grant to purchase brand new interactive books to distribute to pediatric patients and siblings at Parkview Wabash Hospital, providing a diversion and comfort during a scary hospital visit, and to promote literacy and reading.
Manchester Church of the Brethren and Friends with the Weather were awarded a grant to host a multigenerational and cultural concert on September 30, 2023 to foster an increased connection with the community that will highlight local talent, local food, engaging workshops, and activities for all ages.
Manchester Early Learning Center will purchase tablets for each classroom that will provide better communication with parents, streamline documentation for teachers, and simplify attendance and billing as part of an effort to reduce the cost of recordkeeping.
North Manchester Historical Society was awarded a grant to support the museum Summer Camp Program. Campers will compare 21st century life with life 100+ years ago in the North Manchester area and will finish in July with a horse drawn wagon ride to the covered bridge and a trolley trip to Stockdale Mill.
Radiant Health Services, formerly Family Service Society, will use this grant to provide accessible intervention services to victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and stalking, and to reduce financial barriers for victims of domestic violence that will lead to increased self-sufficiency for the victim and their family.
Roann Covered Bridge Lions Club received a grant to complete the historic renovation of Nickel Plate Caboose 1142, located on the Roann Paw Paw Library site. When the restoration is complete, the caboose will be used by the library for their summer reading program and special occasions, including the Roann Covered Bridge Festival.
Wabash County Museum received funding to expand their reach and grow their audience to provide impactful, repeat experiences for adults with disabilities as well as to serve the needs of those who may not be able to make a financial commitment an annual membership requires.
The Good Deeds grant program was established in 1993 to ensure that unrestricted grant money would be available to the Wabash County community to give priority to nonprofits and initiatives that address advancing educational attainment and alleviating urgent need. To date, more than $4.5 million has been distributed from the Good Deeds Endowment. Grant applications are due twice each year – February 15 and September 15. Guidelines and applications for the upcoming fall 2023 grant cycle are available online at cfwabash.org. You can contribute to the Good Deeds Endowment by visiting the fund’s webpage or by sending a check with “Good Deeds Endowment” in the memo line to the Community Foundation of Wabash County, 220 East Main Street, North Manchester.