The Community Foundation of Wabash County distributed over $100,000 in its 2024 Spring Good Deeds grant cycle to support twenty-eight nonprofits working to meet urgent needs of Wabash County citizens and create quality of place programs and projects. Grants were awarded to the following nonprofit organizations:
Blessings in a Backpack will benefit from a Good Deeds Grant to address food insecurity by providing weekend meals to children ranging from preschool through sixth grade.
First Friends Early Learning Ministry will use the Good Deeds Grant to increase program capacity by adding a classroom to the school.
Friends Counseling Center, Inc. was awarded a Good Deeds Grant to help fund the purchase of new technology equipment.
Grow Wabash County Foundation will use the Good Deeds Grant to support the activities of the Young Professionals of Wabash County group.
Honeywell Foundation will utilize their Good Deeds Grant to support the Honeywell CommUNITY Arts – In-Class Teaching Artist Residencies.
Honor Flight Northeast Indiana, Inc. will be reimbursed by a Good Deeds Grant for each Wabash County citizen that participates in Honor Flight #49 this year.
Intrepid Phoenix will be reimbursed by a Good Deeds Grant for each Wabash County citizen that participates in the Fitness for Recovery from Substance Abuse Disorder program.
Kate’s Kart, Inc. was awarded a Good Deeds Grant in support of their book distribution program which provides children’s books to families in Northeast Indiana hospitals.
LaFontaine Learning Community was awarded a Good Deeds Grant in support of their plan to update their preschool curriculum.
Lagro Park Board will utilize their Good Deeds Grant to put the finishing touches on the Lagro in Lights project.
Manchester Church of the Brethren and Sing Me Home Festival were awarded a Good Deeds Grant to provide funding for talent attraction for the Sing Me Home Festival set to take place in the fall of 2024.
Manchester Elementary School will apply Good Deeds Grant funds toward the construction of an accessible playground.
Manchester Junior-Senior High School will utilize Good Deeds Grant funding to contribute to the purchase of a new CNC machine for the EDGE 85 program.
North Manchester Historical Society was awarded a Good Deeds Grant to support the Center for History Summer Camp: Now and Then.
North Manchester Public Library received Good Deeds Grant support for the 2024 Art Giraffe Summer Art Series.
OJ Neighbors Elementary School will be using a Good Deeds Grant to make field trips affordable for all families.
Radiant Health Services will use this Good Deeds Grant to provide accessible intervention services to victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and stalking, and to reduce financial barriers for victims of domestic violence that will lead to increased self-sufficiency for the victim and their family.
Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana received a Good Deeds Grant to support food distribution services in Wabash County that provide families in need with a variety of products from produce to protein.
Stockdale Mill Foundation, Inc. received a Good Deeds Grant that will be used to contribute toward a much-needed frame and footing restoration project which is vital to the Mill’s operation.
The Montessori School at Wabash Presbyterian Church was awarded a Good Deeds Grant to help fund their 2024 expansion project that will increase student capacity.
Urbana Lions Club was awarded a Good Deeds Grant to support its community spring clean-up event.
Wabash Area Community Theater will utilize a Good Deeds Grant to help it reach and invite members of the community who experience barriers to attending theater productions.
Wabash City Schools is hosting a Summer Computer Build Camp which will be supported by a Good Deeds Grant.
Wabash County 4-H Council will be using Good Deeds Grant funding to boost their College to Clover program aimed at making it easier for students to join 4-H.
Wabash County Museum received a Good Deeds Grant to support their Field Trip Discovery Kit & Curriculum.
Wabash County United Fund will utilize Good Deeds Grant funding to make important upgrades to the Donation Tracker software that is critical to their work.
Wabash County YMCA will be using a Good Deeds Grant to support employee professional development that will add value to the community beyond the YMCA.
Wabash First United Methodist Church will continue to host the thriving Hot Dog Ministry with support from a Good Deeds Grant.
The Good Deeds Grant program was established in 1993 to ensure that unrestricted grant money would be available to the Wabash County community to give priority to nonprofits and initiatives that address advancing educational attainment and alleviating urgent need. To date, more than $4.6 million has been distributed from the Good Deeds Endowment. Grant applications are due twice each year – February 15 and September 15. Guidelines and applications for the fall 2024 grant cycle are available online at You can contribute to the Good Deeds Endowment by visiting the fund’s donation page here or by sending a check with “Good Deeds Endowment” in the memo line to the Community Foundation of Wabash County, 220 East Main Street, North Manchester, IN, 46962.